Data Validations

38 Checks
28 BPC* Checks(73.68%)
10 Our Checks
BPC: Best Practice Committee suggestion
Check Service BPC Notes
Implementing all important services All Implements: Product, INV,ODRSTAT, OSN, PPC, MED, PO, INVC
Latest services availability All Implements:
- Product: 2.0.0
- MED: 1.1.0
- PPC: 1.0.0
- INV: 2.0.0
- ODRSTAT: 2.0.0
- OSN: 2.0.0
- INVC: 1.0.0
- PO: 1.0.0
Every product has brand Product All products should have brand
Every product has details Product When calling to getProduct we found an error of some kind
Every product has description Product All products should have description.
Important for a good catalog.
Parts in getProductSellable = parts in getProduct Product Some suppliers's don't send parts in getProductSellable
Every product has keywords Product All products should have keywords.
It helps to create a semantic search.
Every product has priceExpiresDate Product All products should have priceExpiresDate.
This is important so distributors can minimize the number of calls they need to get accurate pricing.
Every product has marketingPoint Product All products should have marketingPoint
Every product has lineName Product All products should have lineName
Every product has imprintSize Product All products should have imprintSize
Every product has defaultSetUpCharge Product All products should have defaultSetUpCharge
Every product has maxImprintColors per LocationDecoration Product All products should have maxImprintColors
Every product has priceGroup.description Product All products should have priceGroup.description
Every product has priceDiscount Product All products have priceDiscount
Every part has ColorArray Product All parts should have ColorArray.
It should not be used in place of unique parts.
Every part has primaryMaterial Product All parts should have primaryMaterial
Every part has dimension Product All parts should have dimension
Every part has leadTime Product All parts should have leadTime
Every part has gtin Product All parts should have gtin
Helps with marketing on Google Merchant Center.
Every part has ProductPackagingArray Product All parts should have ProductPackagingArray
Include all quantity and box size variations.
Every part has color with hex Product All parts should have color with hex
Helps when displaying swatch colors.
Every part has color with approximatePMS Product All parts should have color with approximatePMS
Every part has color with standardColorName Product All parts should have color with standardColorName
Every product has well formed productPackaging Product All products should have well-formed productPackaging
Every product has media content MED All products has at least one MEDIA content
Every image has classType MED All images should have at least one classType
Every part has primary image MED All parts should have a primary image
Every part has single primary image MED All parts should have a single primary image
Every part has single blank image MED All parts should have a single blank image
Grouped product photos should not be associated to a part ID MED All grouped product photos should associated to a product ID or null, but should be associated with a PartID
Blank images should not be classified as decorated MED Images cannot be classified as blank and decorated at the same time
Every product has PPC PPC All products should have PPC details
Every product has FOB points PPC Even if decorations are not supported, distributors should know all the places they can get products
Every product has Available Locations PPC Distributors should know all the locations where decorations can be placed if decorations are supported.
Every product has Available Charges PPC if decorations are supported, the list of available charges should be accessible
Every product has decorations PPC getConfigurationAndPricing should return decorations available for the product
Every product has Inventory details INV We get an error response when calling to inventory levels